Regiones geográficas. Encerrado entre dos gigantes asiáticos (India y China), Nepal ha sido descrito como “jalea entre dos rocas”. Enclavado en la majestuosa cordillera del Himalaya (que en el idioma sánscrito significa ‘‘residencia de la nieve’’), el país está plagado de montañas y colinas.
The goals determined by the General Assembly of the UN is no poverty
Answer: Extraordinary
The headline"man bites dog" is an abbreviated account of the phrase:
"When a dog bites a man, that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news", attributed to both Alfred Harmsworth (1865–1922) and Charles Anderson Dana (1819–1897).
It refers to the way unusual events, like a man biting a dog, are more newsworthy than ordinary ones, with comparable results, like a man bitten by a dog.