The Above passage is an Explanation ( a very detailed explanation to why a radio signal carrying Morse code on a continuous wave should be used in conveying information instead of the use of a Modulated radio signal ).
Also This is because the passage sheds light on some uncommon knowledge hence we will categorize it as an explanation.
Self-Efficacy make us believe in ourself, and make us feel confident/capable in pursuing a certain goal.
Relevance makes us find something meaningful in the Goal that we want to achieve.
And Attitude make us more discipline in taking necessary actions to accomplish our Goal
All of these three factors are important in order to keep our motivation from burning out.
Liquidated Damages
Liquidated Damages are provisions made in legal contracts to allow a party recieve payment of an amount of money in case the pre-agreed contract terms are breached.
Liquidated damages are allowed most especially in legal contrcts where the potential losses to one of the parties is difficult to define especially at the formation of the contract.
Since the agreement was for G to remove his property by 5th of April but did not do so until the 9th of April, the $400 agreed upon for the hotel expenses is liquidated damages. In any case, M will still bear a loss of $100, which is the difference between the $500 spent and the $400 agreed as liquidated damages.