D rivers leave fertile soil along their banks after floods
Both geese and seagulls are large birds. The contrasts is that geese migrate thousands of miles a year and seagulls do not. They also do not eat the same things - geese eat seeds and plants, seagulls eat around garbage dumps. Therefore, the answer is C. feeding habits and migration.
Answer: 2; 3
For each FADH2 that supplies electrons to the electron transport system, 2ATPs are synthesized. For each NADH that supplies electrons to the electron transport system, 3 ATPs are synthesized.
Both FADH2 and NADH are you reducing equivalents in that they give off electron in terms of hydrogen atom or a hydride ion.
Thus, in the inner membrane of the mitochondria where electron transport occurs, FADH2 gives off its hydride ion yielding 2 ATP molecules; while NADH gives off its hydride ions to yield 3 ATP molecules
The order that the nucleotides are arranged in form different "codes" to create traits. RNA in humans is used for transporting, and making the amino acid proteins. The order of amino acid proteins also changes the polypeptide formed, and changes more traits, and characteristics. Basically, it's like reading a book. Each book is made up of the same 26 letters, but their all arranged in different orders. You can find the some of the same words in another book, but no two books are exactly alike. All the letters and words are arranged in different ways, even though other books have the same letters and words.