The symptom and sign which indicate placenta previa here is Pinless vaginal bleeding.
Placenta previa is a condition where the placenta is covering the cervix or it is attached close to the cervix.
In various times of pregnancy, bleeding may occur. It can not be a serious complication. The cause of the bleeding may depend on the amount of pain or the time of bleeding in pregnancy.
In the first trimester, bleeding may occur and may be due to ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, implantation of the placenta in the uterus or infection.
Bleeding in late pregnancy lets say twenty weeks can be due to placenta previa or placental abruption.
2c. Jamestown Settlement and the "Starving Time"
The first joint-stock company to launch a lasting venture to the New World was the VIRGINIA COMPANY OF LONDON. The investors had one goal in mind: gold. They hoped to repeat the success of Spaniards who found gold in South America.
In 1607, 144 English men and boys established the JAMESTOWN colony, named after King James I.
The colonists were told that if they did not generate any wealth, financial support for their efforts would end. Many of the men spent their days vainly searching for gold.
As a consequence, the colonists spent little time farming. Food supplies dwindled. MALARIA and the harsh winter besieged the colonists, as well. After the first year, only 38 of the original 144 had survived.
Unlike eukaryotes, prokaryotes (which include bacteria) undergo a type of cell division known as binary fission. In some respects, this process is similar to mitosis; it requires replication of the cell's chromosomes, segregation of the copied DNA, and splitting of the parent cell's cytoplasm.
Behavior, food, and abiotic conditions.
One option is that the samples run through gel electrophoresis is too small to be recognized (shorter strands of DNA travel further through the gel and larger strands travel shorter). The other option in that the restriction enzyme did not cut the DNA in the proper spot or there was a mutation in the bases that allowed for a mistake in the cutting; that is why there are 800 base pairs in one sample (that's a lot) An example of a mutation is that lets say the restriction enzyme was supposed to cut at the second G in GGACC. But if that G was turned into an A, then the restriction enzyme wouldn't cut there.
For number 5, you might have 800 because of the restriction enzyme cutting it wrong, a mutation that allowed for the cutting to not take place, or a fault in the sample taking.
I am an AP Biology student right now in Wisconsin. I just finished that worksheet this morning :) anymore questions just hit me up