import java.lang.Object
import java.lang.Math
public class RegularPolygon extends java.lang.Object{
public void randomize(RegularPolygon c){
int min = 10, max1 = 20;
double min1 = 5, max1 = 12;
double range = (max - min) + 1;
double range1 = (max1 -min1) + 1
int side = (Math.random() * range) + min;
double len = (Math.random() * range1) + min1;
c.setSideLength( len);
public static void main(String[] args) {
RegularPolygon r = new RegularPloygon();
The randomize method accepts a regular polygon class as its only parameter and assigns a random number of sides and the length of these sides with the 'Math.random' function.
it depends on the kind of police check. like if its a road block type of check, they make sure everything is right. if you get pulled over you get your name ran in the system to check if you have warrents or warning and depends on what you get pulled over for, you could get a ticket or detained.
Whichever action you take to complete a task will inevitably affect the end result of whatever would need to be accomplished; whether this impact the task in a positive or a negative way.
Pablo can be a minimum of two pains and a maximum of four panes in a split screen worksheet.