A batholith is an intrusive igneous rock.
Following are the solution to the given question:
The common folder called Report has also been shared. Writing access to a shared folder was given to management group members. Mark is a member of a group of managers. We can access the files within your reporting directory, but you really should not access the Confidential.xls file. We want to add Mark Mangum to our ACL files using Deny permissions on Confidential.xls.
Batch Processing is the processing of previously collected jobs in a single batch.
Some advantages would be that a data center's staff can schedule batch processing during times when the computers are otherwise idle, such as overnight, The computer operators can delay or prioritize different batches easily, and computer files containing commands, programs and data; once created, some can be run repeatedly as needed, adding convenience for the staff and helping keep processing costs low.
Some disadvantages would be that all of a batch job's input data must be ready before the computer can run it, problems with data, errors and program crashes that occur during batch jobs bring the whole process to a halt, and the inputs must be carefully checked before the job can be run again.
Experienced it for an extended period of time.