Yes, most of the time, the loaners (i.e banks) would look at your credit history to see if you pay all your loans on time and in the full amount. Most of the time, they wouldn't give loans to people that have poor credit or no credit, because they either know you will have a hard time paying back, or they don't know if you are able to pay back or not. Many car dealers would want you to place an out-of-pocket on-the-spot payment, and you can pay the rest monthly for the next couple of years. So it would be best to first get a good history of credit card (literally get a credit card and pay your payments on time) and then try to op for a used car. When both your credit history and driving history is good, then you can try to apply for a car loan (and most likely they would give it to you) hope this helps
Chek on creditcarma its really easy and you can show the people at the car dealership the credit on your phone and yes they would need money down also im not an add
Market development strategy refers to a strategy used by organizations wishing to expand in the market by identifying and developing new market segments for their product, ie the focus is on gaining new uses and potential new customers. for your products.
For this to be a successful strategy, the marketing manager must consider whether there is a need for product modification or new product insertion, and if there are enough research efforts on sales channel and customer behavior so that This strategy meets the expectations of increased efficiency, market expansion and profitability.