It’s B, Pace yourself so that you use as much time you’re given.
He was moved with compassion for them” yes, we can only have the same reaction. I have a weak one, but I respond to it. We as humans are not good and the second entity mentioned as being a part of us is present and does look for ways to convince one that they need not respond, the following are examples of the thoughts that we see go through the minds of people, I have heard these before , mostly from those that do nothing to help
“ that one is probably on drugs” help will be spent on drugs“ that one is probably dangerous” we should walk around the long way to be safe as he does not look like us” “You(we) cannot be seen WITH those people.”. “WE have a reputation to think of” “look how dirty that one is, let's not ..”
I will tell you the truth, I will be watching the number of views for this question with great interest. I will be interested to see where the hearts of my readers are. If these are low in this very fundamental topic, there is no possible way that the average progress being made is commensurate with the learning, thus the writing is seen to be ignored, It will be good to see it having value when distributed in this way. If certain basics are ignored, the writing is useless and should be seen as such. There can be no mistake in this assessment. It is a just thing to do. Alternatives are already being considered despite the wonderful site that we have here, as the need for spiritual education is dire and will continue as we that are finding one another are able, you are my family and I do care about each of you. 4,000 queries are answered, a minimum amount of progress must be confirmed, or another may handle this easily as most of the basics are done, The advanced teaching is up now, I have opened new departments in Quora as a check for interest. The learning that I would like to get into goes well beyond anything that Quora has done to date. I am going to help with techniques for reaching other planes and the incredible things that we may do There, even to the Having of relationships on these levels! Paradise awaits, but not if we cannot manage a concern for charity and the fight against starvation. In this I would wish to simply open a thread that a small number reach quality. Quantity is unimportant. I would like to see which would like this.This is where I will be looking for you that would know yourself that you care for those in need and do not turn away. We are shown stats, thankfully, the writers have a right to make decisions based upon these by the very design, the time has come to get very personal in our outreach and study. Let's see where that will take place. I hope for 35 at least here. Still, we may create a separate thread for privacy for you that are professional peopl
<em>Sustenance is correct</em>