Catalhoyuk is an ideal location for early development as it gives us indications about life in the Neolithic Age.
Catalhoyuk is located in southern Anatolia.
Catalhoyuk is one of the earliest farming settlements.
Catalhoyuk is an ideal location for early development as it gives us indications about life in the Neolithic Age. It tells us about the following things:
1. trading habits
2. Burial practices
3. Possible religion
4. Tools used
5. Clothes made
and so on.
The Transatlantic Slave Trade started shortly after the year 1500. The first documented case of slavery dates back to Juan de Córdoba, a Spaniard, who brought one African Slave to the Americas with the permission of his Spanish Crown. The first country to send slaves to the Americas seems to be thus Spain, only a few years after the discovery of America.
Women are equal and just as strong as men
According to the Central Limit Theorem, the sample size, being n larger than 30, is representative of the Standford students´ use of the drug, in this case, being ecstasy. Another reason why the procedure works is the random sampling, where the assistants made sure that the only characteristic that mattered was being a student; gender, major being pursued, age, etc. were not of relevance.