Apparel manufacturing , newspaper publishers
, photographic services and private junior colleges
Top 50 Industries with Declining Employment. Which industries are in the top ten for the fastest declines in employment between 2016 and 2026?
Check all that apply
apparel manufacturing
textile mills
newspaper publishers
photographic services
private junior colleges.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics based on ten-year projections, employment of the above industries is projected to decline 22.6 percent from 2016 to 2026 due to rapid changes in innovation and technology. These industries will decrease their workforce partially because advancement in technology will require them to have less staff since the physical works conducted by these employee can be delivered more rapid with less staffs.
<span>One of the most stark contrasts between the British army and the colonial</span>
A single seller for they them control the market like if ford was the only place u can get any thing that drove or any locomotive they could raise the price to say 500k per car and what could the people do we can't go anywhere else so were stuck going there its illegal and wrong yet several companies have been found doing it
Answer:Thinking that if i stop going i will not be successful in the future