The colors associated with the war are blue for the Northern Union and Gray for the Southern Confederate.
The cultural moviment humanism, also a system of education, was growing during the renaissance. It promoted the idea that man was the center of his own universe. Educated people should embrace <em>human achievements</em> in education, arts and science. They also should <em>be able to read and write and persuade others to virtuous actions, by studying humanities</em>.
War should not happen because it does good to no one so people who get countries involved in war should be punished.
Andrew Jackson always worked for the development of the United States of America and he was always in favor of the democracy in the country. He worked for the betterment of the common man in the society and wanted to give more opportunity to them instead of the the wealthy people. He did not want to fight wars because it led to a lot if destruction and loss of life and property.
They had felt it was unnecessary for humans to change.