The Sedition Act of 1918<span> was an Act of the </span>United States Congress<span> that extended the </span>Espionage Act of 1917<span> to cover a broader range of offenses, notably speech and the expression of opinion that cast the government or the war effort in a negative light or interfered with the sale of government bonds.</span>
The Portuguese were among the first Europeans to explore the
seas beyond Europe. Henry the Navigator urged his father, King John I, to
conquer the port of Ceuta in Northern Africa. He also sponsored the development
of the Caravel, a sailing ship that is lighter and faster than most ships at
that time. Use of caravels enabled sailors to travel further and with more
provisions, and the light draft enabled Portuguese sailors to explore shallow
rivers and waters. He also sponsored explorations to Madeira, Azores, and West
Coast of Africa.
The Spanish Civil War started in July 1936 with the military coup leaded by General Franco, which started a rebellion against the democratically elected Republican goverment. Since the establishment of a Republic and the abolition of the monarchy in 1931, mostly left-wing parties and progressisf leaders had won the elections.
The most conservative sectors of the army followed the fascist general Franco who, during the war, received the support of Hitler and Mussolini, specially, of their aviation military units. The democratic European states refused to help the Spanish Republic and only the URSS contributed by sending some armament.
The war ended in 1939 with the victory of the fascists and the establishment of a military dictatorship that would last until the death of Franco, the dictator, in 1975.
Unlike the Greeks and Romans, the ancient Hebrews were not known for being scientists or philosophers or conquerors. It was their religion, Judaism, that proved to be of crucial importance in world history, both for its own sake and for being the religious root of Christianity and Islam.