Yes, if the person themselves are paying for it, it also depends on how picky you're being and who your complaining to.
Balkanization is a term that refers to the partition or fragmentation of a state or territory into smaller places, usually similar in their ethnicity. It also refers to ethnic conflicts between states of different ethnicities.
After the Soviet Union collapsed, many countries were created, Georgia being one of them. This is the country that has experienced the most extreme balkanization because various separatist movements originated after it in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, located in Georgia's borders. As a result, the Georgian army took action in these regions.
Euruopians came so they can live freely from rulers.
Special districts are not school districts.
School districts exist to provide one service --- public education. Special districts provide a variety of public services, excluding education. In addition, school districts get most of their money from the state, whereas special districts rely primarily on local revenues.
I hope it's help :)