Good morning
The word probing suggests that Alcinous has been insistent on hearing Odysseus's story; however, Odysseus was the one that requested the song about Troy even though he knew the content of the tune would make him weep. It seems like Odysseus wanted Alcinous to ask him to tell his story.
have great day
This is an example of integrity - "But whoever keeps his word, the love of God is truly perfected in him. This is the way we make know that we are in union with him. whoever claims to abide in him ought to live [just] as [Jesus] lived."
Sally Simpson 247 Norfold way Allen town. Mo 63001 Jill Baker 426 w. Elm street Pheonix az 85007
The answer is b jealous and mean because he was jealous of slue foot sue or whatever her name was because she pecos bill paid more attention to her than he did the horse, and the horse thinks sue will take pecos away from him.