The ground-breaking U.S. Supreme Court case "Brown v. Board of Education" concerned B. racial segregation in American schools. It was one of the most important decisions in American history.
The mesoamericans where atypical to the lifestyle of neolithic peroid.
- The agriculture in Mesoamerica dates to 8000-2000 BC, the hunter was leading a nomadic style of hunting and gathering in the early Pleistocene, cultivation of crops was practiced near the seasonal camps.
- The surplus was left for drought days the style of cultivation progressed and food became increasingly important for people.
- The increase of permanent settlements and lead to greater reliance on domesticated crops. Eventually, people started to live sedentary lifestyles. The most important crops were maize, squash, and beans.
Many people who were no longer servants or slaves found a new life of a ranch work and independence in the Far West.
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Becuase they want to show everyone what they can do