They were not being hurt by the workers
The early Christians were persecuted by the Romans. Christianity worships a single God who sent his Son to save the world. The Romans worshipped many gods, such as Jupiter, Minerva, Juno, etc. they had a god for emotions, food, battle strategy, marriage, victory, the list goes on. The Christians refused to worship these gods in the temples or take part in sacrifices or celebrations for the gods. The emporer Nero was a great persecutor of Christians, he ended up burning their part of the city. Early Christians were punished by floggings. The problems escalated. The Emperors imposed harder punishments. Christians were burned at the stake or fed to wild animals.
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Traditions are not bad but they need to evolve constantly
Soldiers trained rigorously before the D-Day invasion. This was a one shot opportunity that would be extremely hard to duplicate. They had to be on point, prepared and ready to do whatever it takes. Training increases your chances of surviving and completing your assignment as best as possible. So in order to be in their best shape, they trained for months to prepare for that invasion.
hey it is A
Identifying the truths of human nature
Relying on yourself for truth or wisdom