An organism that exhibits a head with sensory equipment and a brain probably also have receptors, which capture the stimuli of the environment and transform them into a nervous impulse, and organs of the senses that are the communication channels we have with the environment and thanks to them we understand and interpret the environment, they are: vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
The double fortification process involves adding iodine and iron to salt. It is a method used to fight micronutrient deficiencies in developing countries. Iron and iodine are two of the most important micronutrients involved in cognitive function, maternal and infant survival and human productivity. This is a cost-effective method that ensures that the population receives these nutrients without having to change their eating habits.
ATP and NADPH are used to energy for the production of the Calvin cycle. Once their energy is released, they revert back to ADP and NADP+ and can be reused again.
ATP and NADPH are energy carriers that can be used to power chemical reactions. Once they have energized cellular processes, they become their 'low energy' form of ADP and NADP+. Later, they can reform ATP and NADPH to power more reactions
Inside your cells, the individual amino acids can bond together by forming a peptide bond, which is simply a chemical bond that joins amino acids together. More specifically, peptide bonds join the carboxyl group of one amino acid with the amino group of another.
I'm not sure how exactly you wanted this question to be answered. You're either talking about the symmetry where animals would have two legs or two arms for example and thus producing a pair of each muscle on both sides of the body, or you're refering to the development of agonistic and antaonistic muscles where each of them served a different purpose; either extending or contracting.