Bt Bicoins este o moneda virtuala care valorează extrem de mult, nu, nu este ilegal sa ai un bit coin
<h3>The One Club is an American non-profit organization that recognizes and promotes excellence in advertising. Founded in New York City as The One Club for Art & Copy, The One Club produces four annual award competitions: One Show, One Show Design, One Show Interactive and One Show Entertainment.</h3>
A. is any series of firms or individuals who participate in the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer or final user.
b. No - the increase in lease expense is a fixed cost.
If the owner of Italian restaurant increases the prices of its product it will result in low customers as the restaurant is already at the competitive price among its other competitors. If the restaurant raises prices the customers will move to the competitors which are offering same quality product at reduced price. The rent is increased by 20% which is considered as a fixed cost because it does not affect the per unit production and is not associated with the numbers of customers.