Fixed expenses are expenses that stay the same for a person or a business. An example of a fixed expense is rent/mortgage. This expense doesn't change if you are only usig the building for 2 weeks or the entire month, its a set rate. A variable expense is an expense that changes like an electric bill, it varies based on the month and usage. When you budget, you can easily budget for your fixed expenses but you need to allow some room in your budget for expenses that change.
they probably wouldn't take you as seriously
I mean if you have references they know for sure that you are good.
Answer: C. Reflects the inability to exclude an Individual from the benefits of someone else's purchase.
The Free-rider problem is a concept in economics that describes the fact that sometimes people benefit from goods and services that they wither did not pay for or underpaid for.
There has been a failure to exclude those individuals who are free-riding from the benefits of goods and services that other people are paying for. A simple example of the free-rider phenomenon is using Wikipedia. Most of those who use it do not contribute or pay for its upkeep in any way yet reap the benefits of its extensive information.