The answer to this question is Bias
When researchers are being biased in their analysis, all of their analysis become really unreliable because it does not fully reflect to the truth.
To make the result of the researchers fully reliable, researchers need to base their analysis solely to the data at hand
Negative punishment
This is simply an act or an event that tends to reduce/decrease the behavior that it follows it.
Positive punishment
This is when a behavior is accompanied quickly by the presence of a stimulus that reduces the future occurrence of the said behavior.
Negative punishment
This is commonly known as a response behavior that is accompanied quickly by the removal of a stimulus or a decline in the intensity of the stimulus, that therefore reduces the future occurrence of similar responses under similar conditions.
Punishment often tends to weakens or reduces the probability of a behavior occurring again.
Representatives vote as Their party wishes about<span> two-thirds of the time.
The remaining 1/3 votes are usually used to obtain favor from external groups or from other party's representative. For example, a representative from party A could vote for bill that will benefit corporation X in order to obtain a donation for the party