accounting is a process of analysis and summarising business and financial transactions and verifying the reporting the results...
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Sustainability intends on addressing current requirements, without undermining future generations to fulfill their needs. The notion of sustainable development consists of three key elements including economic, social, and environmental which correspond to three P's that are Profit, people, and planet respectively. It is a complex process that expands the objectives of businesses from immediate profit to future-oriented goals like energy conservation, work, and safety measures in an organization, etc.
The answer is B - this is how Barry splits his time.
d) relative to others instead of against performance standards.
Contrast error is one that occurs during performance rating where a person is not rated objectively, but against previous people who performed good or badly.
The person's ratings is affected negatively or positively.
A person that performs well subconsciously sets a benchmark in the mind of the rater, and he now rates future participants based on this benchmark and not on performance standards that have been set.