Bauxite ore is one of the primary source of aluminum but it must first be chemically processed to produce alumina (aluminum oxide). The next step of aluminum production is smelting of alumina using an electrolysis process (Hall-Heroult process). This electrolysis process is driven by electrical current. Electrolyte (molten salt) with immersed carbon anodes is used in order to dissolve the alumina. Carbon anodes are carrying electrical current and thee chemical bond between aluminum and oxygen in the alumina is broken.
Maria and craters are explained below:
- The Moon is divided into light area lunar highlands and a dark area called Lunar Maria.
- Lunar Maria is large, dark, basaltic plains formed on earth's moon formed by ancient volcanic eruptions.
- Craters are formed when an impacting object falls and hits the moon's surface with greater speed and also formed as a result of the outward explosion of rocks.
- Craters are often caused by asteroids and meteorites with the lunar surface.
- Unlike earth-moon does not have an atmosphere to protect itself from impacting bodies. This is the reason for more number of craters formed on earth.
Hope this is helpful to you...
Thank you!
"The birds have different mating seasons" piece of evidence supports the second student's argument.
The precise timing for bird sets to successfully match varies, and the timing for distinct species develops to give the consequent chicks the best chance of survival. Speciation is the mechanism through which new species are produced. This happens when classes within an individual are separated and diverge reproductively.
Organisms contribute to the same group as per the biological species definition if they can reproduce in order to create healthy, fertile offspring. Group are divided by prezygotic and postzygotic restrictions which prevent mating or producing viable, fertile offspring from each other.