Part 1.
<em>The alliance that promotes goals and protection of the United States is the NATO</em>. The purpose of the organisation is to 'safeguard the freedom...founded on the principles of democracy'. The spread of democracy in the world is one of the main goals of the United States in the world. 'To settle...any international dispute by peaceful means' and to 'seek and promote stability in the North Atlantic area' are means of U.S. protection of other nations in the world. NATO constitutes a system of collective defense in response to an attack by an external party.
<em>The alliance that promoted the goals and protection of the Soviet Union was the Warsaw Pact.</em> The goals of the Warsaw Pact were to' consult with one another... a threat of an armed attack on one or more of the Parties to the Treaty'. In an event of an attack, each member of the treaty should 'should come to the assistance of the state or states attacked'. The reason for the Soviet Union to sign the Pact was to fight together with other satellite nations the spread of capitalism. The Soviet Union also wanted to maintain control over military forces in Eastern and Central Europe.
Part B.
<em>The NATO </em>( North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ) is an intergovernmental military alliance between 29 North America and European countries. It was signed on April 4, 1949. The main goal of this organisation is mutual defense of each member state in the event of an attack by an enemy country. The purpose is also to 'safeguard the freedom' of other nations, to spread freedom ' founded on the principles of democracy' and to promote ' the stability and well being' in the world.
<em>The Warsaw Pact </em>was a collective defense treaty among the Soviet Union and seven Soviet satellite states. The treaty was signed in Warsaw in 1955 in reaction to the integration of West Germany into NATO. The purpose of the pact was to counterweight the NATO and to offer joint assistance to every member state in case of an foreign attack. The member countries should 'consult with one another on all important international issues', also consult 'the threat of an armed attack,' in order to 'ensure joint defense'.
The economic reason for the civil war was the taxes on imported and exported goods. The tariffs that the national government put on imported and exported goods affected the Southern economy, but benefited the Northern economy. This added tensions between the Union and the Southern states. The southern economy depended on selling cotton overseas, but the North had become very industrialized, and their profits went down when trading with England and other European countries was so easy, so the U.S. put taxes on importing and exporting goods to encourage trade between the sections of the country.
Slavery was the moral issue in the Civil War. Most people in the North
wanted to abolish slavery, while the Southern society and economy heavily depended on it. There were debate over whether new states entering the union should be slave or free, especially as in the years before the civil war, the number of Senators from slave and free states were equal, and each side wanted to prevent the other from having an advantage.
The geography of Chile<span> is extremely diverse as the country extends from a latitude of 17° South to Cape Horn at 56° (if Chilean claims on </span>Antarctica<span> are included Chile would extend to the </span>South Pole<span>) and from the ocean on the west to </span>Andes<span> on the east. Chile is situated in southern </span>South America<span>, bordering the South </span>Pacific Ocean<span> and a small part of the South </span>Atlantic Ocean<span>. Chile's territorial shape is among the world's most unusual. From north to south, Chile extends 4,270 km (2,653 mi), and yet it only averages 177 km (110 mi) east to west. On a map, it looks like a long ribbon reaching from the middle of South America's west coast straight down to the southern tip of the continent, where it curves slightly eastward. </span>Diego Ramírez Islands<span> and </span>Cape Horn<span>, the southernmost points in the Americas, where the Pacific and Atlantic oceans turbulently meet, are Chilean territory. Chile's northern neighbors are Peru and </span>Bolivia<span>, and its border with Argentina to the east, at 5,150 km (3,200 mi), is the world's third longest.</span>
A new breed of managers and experts replaced traditional property owners as the leaders of the middle class.
First Continental because they wanted them to govern