The Balkan Peninsula is the home of a wide variety of ethnic groups.
Assonance is the sound device in which vowel sounds of nearby words are repeated. These are usually found in prose and poetry, with the purpose of setting the mood.
Ex. "Hear the mellow wedding bells" in the poem The Bells by Edgar Allan Poe. In this line, the mood was set by using vowel "e" as literary device.
The answer is the structural functionalist approach.
Structural functionalism is a theory that sees society as a complex system, often compared to the human body, in which all its different parts have a major role in creating stability.
Regarding drug addiction, this theory explains that people may reccur to drugs in order to escape social pressure.
1. Communism
2. Capitalism
3. Socialism
4. Capitalism
Given the definitions, the correct answers are the following:
1. A political-economic system that generally includes an authoritarian government: COMMUNISM
2. An economy that depends on strong entrepreneurship and capital investment by individuals: CAPITALISM
3. A centrally planned economy: SOCIALISM
4. A system where prices and wages are set by supply and demand: CAPITALISM.
The question is missing two important elements. The question: "Where do you stand on this issue?" and Why?
The question also invites us to watch a video for further reference. It is a TV News Show that interviews a lawyer, expert in the subject of marriage and divorce.
What the lawyer basically says is that the law states that the give is good only if it meets the condition of marriage. This means that it is the property of the other person meanwhile people are married. In my opinion, the ring should be a symbol of commitment, not as expensive as it has become due to marketing and advertising. If it is a commitment and things do not result, then, the ring loses its true value and should be returned.