Your answer is: Failures to live up to the ought self elicit anxiety and guilt, while failures to live up to the ideal self elicit dejection, and sadness.
Hope this helped : )
The generalized other
The generalized other can be defined as a way in which a person often think that all their action or behaviour carriedout by him /her attract the attention of people around them towards him/ her in a society because of lack of self confidence which is why such person will often take into account the view point and attitudes of people in the society in whatever he /she does.
Example:A person who has THE GENERALISED OTHER personality will often have the thought that people around them are focusing on them especially when they attend an event in which there is large or huge crowd in which every of their step will focus on people around them. The may tend not to be focus in the event they went to rather they will focus on the people by always looking around to see if someone is talking about them or begin to imagine and perceive about what others think of them in general.
Therefore the ability to imagine how society perceives the self is known as THE GENERALIZED OTHER.
Explanation:Congregation is a group of peopleor a huge population and a mass need a priest and some people so it can't be organised in a person's house or just a normal house.It will need a place bigger than just a house.
Automatic Processing.
Automatic processing can be said to be any information that occurs involuntarily and without conscious intent or charge. It is a sequence of cognitive activities that is simultaneously initiated in response to an input i.e without active control. It does not really require you to pay any serious attention to it before responding sharply to the stimulus. This was the case of Kelsey in the scenario above, helping her remember the said word, making automatic processing resourceful.