They are called the navigation keys
Try restarting it. If you can’t restart because the screen is frozen maybe just turn it off and back on. If you already tried restarting and it still didn’t fix the problem, just give it some time. The computer will reset itself eventually which should fix the problem.
I think select the video insert select the movie option under illustrations resize the video player then select the insert tab i’m not 100 percent sure tho
we translate the following statement given in terms of logarithms. 211 base x can be expressed into log 211 / log x while 152 base 8 can be expressed int o log 152 over log 8. In this case,
log 211 / log x = log 152 / log 8log x = 0.962x = 10^0.962 = 9.1632
Universal Windows Platform is an open source API created by Microsoft and first introduced in Windows 10. The purpose of this platform is to help develop universal apps that run on Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Xbox One and HoloLens without the need to be re-written for each. It supports Windows app development using C++, C#, VB.NET, and XAML. The API is implemented in C++, and supported in C++, VB.NET, C#, F# and JavaScript. Designed as an extension to the Windows Runtime platform first introduced in Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8, UWP allows developers to create apps that will potentially run on multiple types of devices.