China has dealt with the problem of population growth by encouraging people to move to the cities and installing a one-child policy. They encourage people to move to the cities because of the increased number of industrial and business opportunities. People who work are less likely to have children. The cost of living in the cities is also higher, so there is incentive to keep families small by having to provide for fewer children. The one-child policy is a program that does not allow for families to have more than one child. The program does not apply to people living in extreme rural areas or to some ethnic groups. This is a very controversial program, and many consider it to be in violation of human rights.
China has the biggest population in the world and they have been struggling to keep in under control for decades. The biggest way in which they have tried to slow down the population growth is by reducing childbearing. Back in the 70s, I believe they released a policy where people were only permitted one child per family. If families had more then one child they would be under fire. Now whether this violates human rights I would say most definitely.
The Multilateral System of Genetic Sharing project was sponsored by the United Nations to establish the sharing of genetic resources for plants used for food.
An International treaty on plant genetic resource system for food and agriculture (ITPGRFA) is offered by the UN
The ITPGRFA came up with the agreement in harmony with biodiversity and for sustainable food security at the international level.
This is also called as the international seed treaty this treaty consists of 35 articles in the 7 parts.
It established the structure to implement its provisions and also established the multilateral system to share the benefit with the important crops.