Click through rate
Click-through rate (CTR) are used to measure many of the decisions that go into a campaign, such as keyword selection and ad copy because the numbers of users who click on the advert link to the number of all total users who has either view the page of the advertisement and It is used to measure the success of an online advertising campaign for a website as well as how effective email campaigns are, by measuring or evaluating the numbers of people who actually saw the advert and click on the link of the advert that is why click through rate do not measure the performance of an advert campaign but rather useful to evaluate many of the decisions that go into a campaign.
Therefore the higher the click-through rate of an advert the more successful the advert has been in generating interest.
captive product pricing, Disney offers lower prices to enter the park but higher prices once in the park because the audience is captive
Answer: Option B
Explanation: In simple words, global structure refers to the structure in which the operations of an entity are managed on the basis of geographic areas rather on the basis of product.
The companies having global structures operate their business on many different countries and the scale of their operations are usually huge. Therefore, they profit from the economies of scale and enjoy lower production cost than others.
Hence the correct option is B.