Answer: hypothesized that the higher pH levels would increase the rate
of movement of the Artemia. The students placed the Artemia in petri dishes with 2 mm x 2
mm grids marked off on the bottom of the dishes. The students calculated how fast the Artemia
traveled in each pH (4-9) solution by counting the number of squares on the grid that the
Artemia crossed per second of timing.
The data collected from their experiment is presented below:
pH of Water
Rate of Movement of
(squares per second)
1. Using the grid below, create a graph based on the above data.
Explanation: yes
1.2The main processes involved in the movement of water between the different reservoirs are evaporation, condensation, transport, precipitation, runoff (water runoff from the ground surface), infiltration and transpiration
3.The large surface of the oceans (about 70 percent of the earth's surface is covered by oceans) favors the occurrence of large-scale evaporation. On a global scale, the same amount of water that is evaporated returns to Earth as precipitation. This however varies geographically
4.Earth from Space Although the engine of the cycle is the solar energy that originates the evaporation of liquid water, and therefore its passage into the atmosphere, the role of gravity is also fundamental, thanks to which precipitation falls and continental waters return to the oceans
5.The water cycle is powered by solar energy. The sun heats the surface of the ocean and other surface waters, which evaporates liquid water and sublimates ice, converting it directly from a solid to a gas. These sun-driven processes move water into the atmosphere in the form of water vapor
Minerals are naturally-formed substances that have a specific chemical properties: abiogenic (minerals are not produced by or derived from living organisms, non-organic in origin), stable at room temperature (i.e. at 25 degrees C)
, are represented by a known chemical formula
, have an ordered atomic arrangement/structure. Coal is not classified as a mineral because it is an organic substance. Correct answer: D (coal is formed from the remains of dead plants and animals).