When you deposit money in a bank, the bank usually pays you for the use of your money. When you take out a loan from a bank, you have to pay the bank for the use of their money. In both cases, the money paid is called the interest. It is usually expressed as a percent. Here we shall look at a formula for simple interest.
Nico shot more baskets.
Molly shot 5 baskets per minute.
Nico shot 7 baskets per minute.
i speak Russian but can’t understand this very well, the instructions aren’t really clear, what’s the translation?
B) 8n+4
Step-by-step explanation:
The product of 8 and n means 8n. Four more means +4. These together equal B) 8n+4
Step-by-step explanation:
First one is C+1.25=2.50
2. 5V=30
3. X-44
I hope this helped.