Some protocols have multiple algorithms to choose from for e.g., cryptographic purposes. During connection set up, client and server negotiate which one they'll use.
One example is the set up of a TLS connection. During the handshake, the client shares a list of its supported ciphers (the 'ciphersuites'). The server responds by indicating the best one that both sides support.
The code has been written in Java.
The source code of the file has been attached to this response. The source code contains comments explaining important lines of the program.
A sample output got from a run of the application has also been attached.
To interact with the program, kindly copy the code into your Java IDE and save as and then run the program.
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Check the explanation
A) Whenever C is sending to D, what other communications are possible?
C’s packet will be seen by A, B and D, but not by E. Thus, D can send to E at the sametime..
B) Whenever B is sending to A, what other communications are likely?
Even though B’s packet will not be seen by D, other nodes, e.g., E, or C, can’t send to D since the packets from these nodes will interfere with the packets from B at A. Therefore, other communications is not likely at the same time.
C) Whenever B is sending to C, what other communications are possible?
B’s packet will be seen by E, A and C, by not by D. therefore, E can send to D at the same point.
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