If you mean the search for a phrase or word function on a page,
Left Ctrl + F
Answer :
These sort of attacks are known are Injected IFrame Attacks. The Injected IFrame Attacks are a common Cross Site Scripting or XCC attack that contains multiple or single iFrame tags implemented within a page which is not visible to user. User unintentionally enters his information which is posted to hacker’s server and information’s gets hacked.
Smart Art
The smart art feature in Microsoft excel allows for the creation of organizational chart on Microsoft excel. It readily allows for an hierarchical arrangement of an organization's personnel including the various departments on the system. The smartart allows the implementation of a graphical output which allows the display of an organization's personnel in order of hierarchy. To get started with smart art on excel, Clicking on the insert tab, the same are appears under illustrations. For an organizational chart, the Hierarchy smart art graphic type is selected and filled accordingly.