They don't need Gas.
They run on electricity
The electricity is stored in batteries
Electric cars still need regular break fluid changes
Answer:isa. an unconditioned stimulus.
According to classical conditioning , the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is the one in which our response occurs naturally , automatic and unconditionally which means we don't learn how to respond.
For example a smell of your favourite pizza will immediately make you feel hungry because it actual triggers this automatic response from you. The smell of food is the unconditioned stimulus.
In Ivan Pavlov's classic experiment with dogs, when the dog smell their food , the salivating that result from them is an unconditioned response and food is the unconditioned stimulus, it an unlearned response that takes place naturally. This is the same as the meat powder above , which is the dog food.
B, but I think it’s an opinion you should develop by reading the material provided.
differential rate of low responding
Differential rate of low responding is a term widely used in educational environments to stimulate students' problem-solving skills. This term refers to the situation where the educator displays a challenge and establishes a positive stimulus that will be delivered after a period of time. An example of this is what Mr. McDonald is doing with his class of students, as he has established that he will help students who cannot solve their geometry problems after they try to solve it for at least 5 minutes.