Of the provided steps, it is number "2" that is not one of the four steps to preparing a sales forcast. Number 2 states "Select an organizational structure for your company."
A sales forecast is a report that helps a company to project the possible factors that might influence sales at their company. The first step provided in option 1 says to perform a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It is helpful for businesses to think about and to list their strengths and weaknesses when thinking about a sales forecast. Also, elements that are opportunities and threats might also influence sales. You can also see how numbers 3. and 4. of the options in the original question are useful because past sales and future sales estimates are key to generating an accurate sales forecast. The least relevant of the options is thus option 2 regarding the organizational structure. You do not change the organizational structure of a company when generating a sales forecast.
As the early explorers began leaving Europe and discovering new lands they were filled with awe and excitement. These explorers had never seen such pristine landscapes, which appeared to be untouched. Nature had an important role in what was to become known as ‘The New World.’ The early explorers and settlers were greatly affected by nature both in positive and negative ways.Often as people traveled across ocean they fell ill from disease and famine, for the voyages were long and difficult. Many lost their lives as a result of the lack of food, fresh water and exposure, either during the voyage or soon after.
B). Victor lingers in his homeroom so he can be near Teresa
my lil brother had the same question