How does uncle Wilbur feel about cellular phones is how everyone feels about their haters, he hates them
Since you don't include "the following" benefits of college then one may surmise the benefits:
1) Increased education
2) increase in making personal connections that benefit ones ability to get a job
3) personal growth toward becoming independent ...
For starters.
One thought that is not a benefit is
1) having lots of free time to do what one wants to do.
I think this will work:
There was only the churned water, filled with scantlings and torn branches of trees. ... It will send up the price of scantlings, and we was getting on too fast with them. About all the timber required to erect one of these houses is for joists, scantlings, and doors.
I think is B that what i think
My closest friends are hilarious. I always crack up laughing when I'm around them.