But probably the most notorious German variation was the saw-back bayonet. A double row of teeth on the on the back edge of the blade was designed for sawing. For allied propaganda, this was a blessing, as they were able to present the German army as a bloodthirsty 'huns
I've seen this question before, asking to identify where the narrative takes place. It is <u>World War II in Europe</u>.
The references to "fighting the Germans when Poland had first been invaded" identify this narrative as happening during World War II in Europe. Other nations in Europe, notably Britain and France, had followed a policy of appeasement toward Adolph Hitler and Germany's efforts to add territory to its control. They allowed Germany to annex the Sudentland, and then did nothing when Germany took control of all of Czechoslovakia (in March, 1939). But when Germany invaded Poland in September, 1939, it was beyond clear that appeasing Hitler hadn't worked, and war was pursued. Germany's invasion of Poland was the beginning of World War II in Europe.
Border ruffians contributed to the "bleeding Kansas" problem by actively terrorizing citizens of the free state. The Border ruffians came from the slave state of Missouri and in an attempt to change attitudes through force, they would actively terrorize opponents to their pro-slavery stance. The "bleeding Kansas" problem occurred as is was decided around the time of 1950 that the settlers themselves would choose whether Kansas was a free or slave state. This resulted in a flood of people from both sides rushing to settle Kansas in order to gain another state that aligned with their particular values. The period lasted until about 1959-60 and animosity persisted through the civil war.
Lack of workers was not a problem that cities faced during the Gilded Age.
c. Communist Revolution in Russia.
- At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was one of the most backward states of Europe.
- Although feudalism was formally abolished, it remained a semi-feudal state with a very strong emperor power.
- In addition to Turkey, the last of the great powers passed a constitution (1906), and reforms were difficult to implement. With this system, no one was happy.
- The material appropriations for the war made the position of the impoverished Russian people even more difficult. The food shortage, their smuggling and the massive casualties on the Eastern Front led to revolutions during 1917.
- The first was in February - the overthrow of the imperial system and the seduction of Parliamentarism, and the second in October, where civil Parliamentarism was overthrown and a new, socialist social order was established.