Homozygous means "the same" and Heterozygous means "different". If a pheno type is homozygous, for example, it could be XX or xx, while heterozygous could be Xx. Hope that helps.
Altitude or Elevation
Moisture or water vapour.
<span>The four biological macromolecules are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acid. These macromolecules are known as polymers and are built when monomers join together by a process known as the dehydration reaction. The dehydration reaction is a chemical reaction that produces water (H2O) and the result is the covalent bonding of the two monomer molecules. The monomer molecules consist of nutrients found in the soil, as in the case of plants, and the intake of food as in the case of animals.
The muscle fiber / myofibrils consist of 2 types of filaments - actin and myosin. The myosin filaments are thick filament whereas the actin filaments are the thin filament.
In addition to this, the muscles have A-band and I-bands. These bands give the muscles alternate light and dark colour band structure. In the A-band, myosin filaments are present, whereas in the I - band the actin filaments are found.
In I-band 2 Z-lines are located. The area between the Z-lines is called sarcomere. In this sarcomere region both actin and myosin filaments present.
When muscles get contracted the length of the sarcomere shorten. The actin and myosin filaments overlap in this area. A cross-bridge form between them, with the help of filamentous protein titin.