I would tell Keri no matter how much of a burden you think you are there will always be people in your life that care about you.(
I think it’s DNA? i may be wrong
So it depends on what your planing on.
But a good well-developed plan should have a
Main - so what it’s about and what your researching about.
evidence- to back up your plan and your ideas
Point - what’s your point and your conclusion
Your muscles will require less oxygen to move and they will produce less carbon dioxide. This will immediately reduce the amount of air you will need to breathe in and out for a given exercise.
The answer is obsessive-compulsive disorder. Compulsive and usually unwanted thoughts and actions (rituals) are the common features of the disorder. Although OCD is usually associated with repeating the actions over and over, such as obsessive hand-washing or having to flick a light switch a certain number of times, many people who suffer from OCD struggle with frequent unwanted thoughts and images.