Because the manufacturer is also the entity selling the good or service, prices tend to be lower in a direct distribution channel. Indirect channels, on the other hand, generally see higher prices because of the number of intermediaries involved. The more there are, the higher the price.
Absolute reference
An absolute reference in excel indicates a reference that is locked such that rows and columns do not alter when copied to another cell in the excel sheet.
It points to an actual fixed location in excel and absolute referencing is simply by adding a dollar sign before the row and column.
In other words ,Ellen will absolutely reference her income ,as the income is the same month-on-month.
Answer: $20,000
The effect of the lease on Lakeside's earnings will be the difference between the earnings from the lease and the cost of the building which will be depreciation.
Depreciation = 2,300,000/25
= $92,000 per year
Earnings per year;
= 28,000 * 4
= $112,000
Increase in earnings = 112,000 - 92,000
= $20,000
la respuesta correcta es jdjfhf