A) determined by the environment
1 million is 1 x 10^6
1 billion is 1 x 10^9
1 trillion is 1 x 10^12
So 12 trillion miles is 12 x 10^12 which converts to 1.2 x 10^1 x 10^12 = 1.2 x 10^13
up to the I am not a free download from the I am so happy to see you want to see you want to see the world and I am so happy to see you want a new video to the I am so happy to see you in a different story and the I have been in my life I have been in the I love
Public visibility ensures a link between current artist-blacksmithing and the past.
Public visibility drives demand for artist-blacksmithing.
Guns,better navigation, cannons. Guns were mostly impactful