The term living thing refers to things that are now or once were alive. A non-living thing is anything that was never alive. In order for something to be classified as living, it must grow and develop, use energy, reproduce, be made of cells, respond to its environment, and adapt.
Unfortunately, most ex- prisoners are unable to make a successful transition and they eventually return to prison. Offenders face many obstacles when they leave prison. Some of these they may have confronted before prison, such as unemployment, substance abuse, low self-esteem, anti-social relationships, and so forth.
Many of the challenges facing ex-offenders are systemic and require policy changes and a shift away from the attitude of some that punishment should continue after sentences have been served. “Ban the Box External” is a national campaign against continued punishment in hiring that calls for employers to remove the box on job applications that requires applicants to disclose criminal records. In a November 2015 speech at Rutgers University, President Barack Obama called on the federal government to support the campaign:
“[The federal government] should not use criminal history to screen out applicants before we even look at their qualifications… . It is relevant to find out whether somebody has a criminal record. We're not suggesting ignore it. What we are suggesting is that when it comes to the application, give folks a chance to get through the door. Give them a chance to get in there so they can make their case."
I would say B. C could also be an option, but I think B makes the most sense :)
here you go
Image result for Explain the concepts from social cognitive theory relating to the triadic reciprocal model. How do the person, behavior, and world influence one...
Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) is an interpersonal level theory developed by Albert Bandura that emphasizes the dynamic interaction between people (personal factors), their behavior, and their environments. This interaction is demonstrated by the construct called Reciprocal Determinism.