clay water and silt
it may be right but not for sure
Happy cats blink eyes, keep whiskers forward and tail relaxed; Aggressive Cat lowers tail and make it stiff, crouches etc; an Angry cat is rigid and curls itself around its body and a Depressed cat sleeps more than usual.
A Veterinary assistant must be well aware about different body languages of cat. Cats show different body postures in different moods.
i) HAPPY CAT- A happy cat returns our gaze with a blink an eye and there will be a dilation in the eye that indicates happiness and tail will be relaxed.
ii) AGGRESSIVE CAT- An aggressive cat can both be defensive and offensive. Offensive body language includes- stiff and straight leg, lowered stiff tail and a defensive language includes- Crouching of body and eyes completely dilated.
iii) ANGRY CAT- Angry cat has a rigid posture, growls and make its body curled up and make itself look large.
iv) DEPRESSED CAT- Depressed cats hold its ear back and make their fur stand at the end, they tuck their tail and sleeps more than usual.
selective interference
Natural selection acts on genes that are inherited together, which is the case for species of asexual reproduction (where genes are inherited together by clonal offspring). In asexual species, linkage disequilibrium (i.e., non-random association of the alleles of different <em>loci</em>), can be understood in a similar mode in terms of population allele frequencies. Selective interference underlies the association between beneficial mutations and surrounding sites which are subject to deleterious mutations. It has been shown that asexual species adapt at a slower rate than species of sexual reproduction. In sexual species, selective interference could be bypassed through the mechanism of recombination during meiosis (although there is not conclusive evidence of this). In asexual species, different deleterious and beneficial mutations are generally fixed, whereas beneficial mutations are generally spread and fixed in species of sexual reproduction.
Plant cells need chloroplast to make food because most plants cannot move to get their food on their own
you can prevent it by mulching, maintaining a healthy, perennial plant cover, planting a cover crop, or placing stones and woodchips. Soil erosion is displacement of the upper layer of soil. The effects of soil erosion go beyond the loss of fertile land. It has led to increased pollution and sedimentation in streams and rivers, clogging these waterways and causing declines in fish and other species. And degraded lands are also often less able to hold onto water, which can worsen flooding.