a. parasitism:
The parasite benefits by harming the host e.g hookworms and humans
b. commensalism
In this association, one species benefits while the other is unaffected (its not harm and dies not benefit) e.g. epiphytic orchids and trees
c. mutualism
Here, both species benefit as seen in rumen bacteria and cows
Parasitism = +/- relationship
The predator benefits by harming the host. E.g. hookworms and humans. The hookworm (parasite) eat man blood while man (host) loses blood to it.
Commensalism = +/0 relationship
One specie(s) benefits while the other specie(s) neither benefits nor is harmed. E.g. epiphytic orchids live on tree branches or tree trunks as it's habitat or shelter while the trees neither benefits nor is harmed
Mutualism = +/+ relationship
Both organisms benefit in this relationship. E.g. rumen microbes aids grass digestion in cows, while the microbes benefit as it obtain steady food or nutrient from the cow
The answer is; saturated soil turns into liquid that can't support buildings
Soil liquefaction occurs mainly in soils saturated, or partially saturated, with water such as in wetlands. During an earthquake, the waves pass through the soil and make it behave like a wave in a fluid. This causes the soil to loosen temporarily and become weak. The foundation of buildings in the soil fail and the structures collapse.
Notch signaling
Notch signalling operates in many cell type at different stages during development. The notch signalling regulates cell fate, cell proliferation, cell differentiation and cell death. The notch cascade contains notch as well as notch ligands. It also contains intracellular protein which transmits the notch signal to the nucleus of the cell. It is important for the regulation of embryonic development.
Ukaryotes consist of membrane bound nucleus whereas prokaryotes lack a membranebound nucleus.
Ukaryotes consist of membrane bound nucleus whereas prokaryotes lack a membranebound nucleus. Prokaryotic DNA is doublestranded and circular. ... The main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA is that prokaryotic DNA is found in the cytoplasm whereas eukaryotic DNA is packed into the nucleus of the cell.
The answer is A. Stressor