Where is the phot for the video?
Plants and other producers generate their own energy, which allows them to grow, reproduce, and live. They are the only living organisms on the planet that can produce their own supply of food energy, which makes them unique. They, of course, require sunlight, water, and air to survive.
Elements have been classified into three categories namely; metals, non-metals and metalloids. This classification was done based on certain characteristics or properties possessed by each element. Some of the characteristics used are: lustre, malleability, conductivity, melting point, boiling point etc.
- Metals are very good conductors of heat and electricity whereas metalloids and nonmetals are not.
- Metals and metalloids shine when polished i.e. they are lustrous, whereas nonmetals don't
- Metals are malleable i.e. can be beaten into sheets.
Texture is not a property used to classify metals and metalloids.
I would try to eat more healthily because eating certain foods are a huge magnet to toxic waste and gas. This creates more pollutions and destroys the o-zone. Another thing it to take my bike instead of car or use a hybrid or an electric car if it is to far ( my destination) for a bike. Cooking food in my house with an oven is MUCH better for the clean air as well for the coal and charcoal used for grill, and wood for fires, causes a massive pinpointed area of smoke and destroy the air causing bug leaks of hydrogen in the air molecules.