From mother to child.
Unprotected sexual intercourse.
Sharing of sharp objects.
Unscreened blood transfusion.
Contact with body fluid of an infected person
Question- What would happen if earthquake waves were to interact with layers of the Earth?
Answer- Ok this is what really happens. As you may know there are seven tectonic plates on earth. Deep in the layers of earth energy is being build up to create a movement for thease plates. When the plates move it causes earthquakes but the thing is it depends were you are. If youre far from the movement you will get a small earthquake a small earthquake meaning you wouldnt even feel it, but on the other hand if your right by the movement you will get effected. Take calafornia as an example do you wonder why there are so many earthquakes happenening it because calafornia is right on the action! Calafornia is located right at the rigget place of the tectonic plate were the movement is big!
If my answer helped you please mark it as brainliest thank you and have the best day ever!
Question was answered by Mnadat9
Sensory receptor interact with stimuli, such as light sound temperature and pain which is transformed into the code that is carried to the brain by the chain of neurons. Once the signal reaches he end of an axon, which is at the end of neuron, a neurotransmitter is released and the process repeats.
Phospholipids are able to form cell membranes because the phosphate group head is hydrophilic (water-loving) while the fatty acid tails are hydrophobic (water-hating). They automatically arrange themselves in a certain pattern in water because of these properties, and form cell membranes.
The circulatory system and respiratory system are protected by your skin, muscles, and ribs.