Vendor diversity
Different cybersecurity companies maintain different codebases, which means an exploit that might poke holes in the security of one likely won't breach the other. In this situation, the network would still have an active and effective firewall from one vendor even as the exploit from the other vendor's firewall is being patched.
Follows are the explanation of the choices:
Following are the Pseudocode for selection sort:
for j = 0 to k-1 do:
SS = i
For l = i + 1 to k-1 do:
If X(l) < X(SS)
SS= l
T = X(j)
X(j) = X(SS)
X(SS) = T
Following are the description of Loop invariants:
The subarray A[1..j−1] includes the lowest of the j−1 components, ordered into a non-decreasing order, only at beginning of the iteration of its outer for loop.
A[min] is the least amount in subarray A[j.. l−1] only at beginning of the each loop-inner iterations.
Following are the explanation for third question:
Throughout the final step, two elements were left to evaluate their algorithm. Its smaller in A[k-1] would be placed as well as the larger in A[k]. One last is the large and medium component of its sequence because most and the last two components an outer loop invariant has been filtered by the previous version. When we do this n times, its end is a repetitive, one element-sorting phase.
Following is the description of choosing best-case and worst-case in run- time:
The body the if has never been activated whenever the best case time is the list is resolved. This number of transactions are especially in comparison also as a procedure, that will be (n-1)(((n+2)/2)+4).
A structure iterator at every point in the worst case that array is reversed, that doubles its sequence of iterations in the inner loop, that is:(n−1)(n+6) Since both of them take timeΘ(n2).
These are the steps in JSP life cycle-
1. We have to convert JSP page to Servlet.
2.Then we compile the JSP page which convert it into
3. In ,we load the classes(test.class) in container.
4. Object(instance) is created in container .
5. Then, we initialize the init() method at the time of servlet generation.
6. After the initialization,for the requests we use _jspService() method to serve the incoming requests from JSP.
7. When the work of JSP is completed, we remove it from container by the help of jspDestroy() method.
There is no jspService() method in the JSP life cycle.
•Determine your IP address.
•Verify physical connectivity to the network.
•Check that you have a logical connection to the network.
•Find out what path network traffic takes to get to its destination.
Translate from DNS names to IP addresses.