Is the letter D because your having half of their DNA. That's why your mother is contributing the Y chromosome and your father is contributing the X chromosome
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is known as the ascorbic acid performs various functions in humans and is present as the constituent of the skin epidermis.
Vitamin C protects the skin from photodamage caused by the harmful UV radiations and helps in the synthesis of collagen, a type of connective tissue in the human body.
Vitamin C is involved in the hydroxylation of collagen synthesis which is important for the support of the epidermis and extracellular stability.
The deficiency of Vitamin C causes scurvy characterized y the fragility of blood vessels and bleeding.
Thus, Vitamin C is the correct answer.

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How the Scientific Method Works
Pasteur's Experiment
The steps of Pasteur's experiment are outlined below:
First, Pasteur prepared a nutrient broth similar to the broth one would use in soup.
12-day litter weight is a trait that has an important genetic influence and therefore also a high response to selection
Heritability is a statistical measure of how much of the variation in a given trait can be attributed to genetic differences and how much of trait variation is due to environmental factors. A heritability value close to 1 indicates that almost all of the variability is due to genetic factors, while being poorly influenced by environmental factors. In this case, 12-day litter weight is a trait that exhibits an important genetic component (i.e., a high heritability value), thereby the correlation between parent and offspring will be high and lines selected for this trait will show a high response to selection.
squamous epithelium maybe