Kinetic energy. thermal energy (a low form of energy ) is a form of kinetic energy as it is produced as a result of motion of particles either if they vibrate at their position or they move along longer paths. Motion produces friction or resistance which leads to excitation and thus the heat is produced. The higher the motion of the particles, the higher would be the thermal energy.
As one moves farther and farther from the Sun, the distance between adjacent planets is greater.
2)ised to check measure of current flow through a circuit
3)o.90 ambere
Answer: KE = 25 J
Explanation: You must use the formula
KE = 1/2 m v²
to solve this problem.
KE = 1/2 (10 Kg) (5 m/s)
KE = 1/2 (50 kgm/s)
KE = 25 J
Answer: Mabye like an ocean with dolphins swiming/jumping? Or even use the blue as a sky and then put green grass and do foxes or and a phoenix flying with a fox under it?
Just some ideas!