g - 3/7 = 2/7 is an equation.

Okay we'll go through all the steps. Ready?
Step-by-step explanation:
If we look at the right side of the equation we see that the y-intercept is 2, so we will place a point on (0,2).
Next, we look to see if the slope of the graph if positive or negetive, and to see what is the slope (2x).
Finally, we look at the inequality if it is greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (_>), or less than or equal to (<_).
*Note the following:
if < then the line is dotted and the shading will be under the line.
if > then the line is dotted and the shading will be above the line.
if <_ then the line is solid and the shading will be under the line.
if _> then the line is solid and the shading will be above the line.*
It is a lot of information if you look at it, but with practice it can be made easier.
there is no equals sign in an expression so it is just that
Step-by-step explanation:
All you have to do is take that bottom dot and count how many the rise is ----3 and how many the run is -----1.
Therefore, 3/1 is 3