Tanks could be used to open a hole in enemy lines, but the burnt of the fighting must be done by infantry units. Early tanks for the allies had limited transverse movement for the turret, because their primary purpose was to serve as a gun platform for the infantry units coming behind them.
The United States often uses sanctions to impose a penalty on a country. This is usually the first step taken when a country upsets another country, before violence is used.
This speech was given by President Kennedy in 1962 in order to address the worrying situation of Soviet arms buildup in Cuba.
In this speech, President Kennedy suggests a series of actions in order to deal with the situation of arms buildup in Cuba. Some of the actions he suggests include:
- A strict quarantine on all offensive military equipment under shipment to Cuba (besides those necessary for fulfilling the basic needs of people).
- Continued and increased close surveillance of Cuba.
- As a policy, all nuclear missiles launched from Cuba against any nation in the West would be considered an attack of the Soviet Union upon the United States.
- The reinforcement of Guantanamo.
- A meeting of the Organ of Consultation under the Organization of American States.
- An emergency meeting of the Security Council.
- A call to the Soviet Union to halt hostilities.
<span>Allow people that couldn't pay taxes or read to vote if his father or grandfather could vote.