When blood doping, it creates more red blood cells which carry oxygen to generally create ATP so in that case there would be more oxygen absorbed by a athlete blood doping than a athlete that is not due to the fact of the increase of red blood cells.
Answer:C) mens rea
Mens rea is when someone takes an intentional action to kill or harm another person. The person actual has a purpose to harm someone which means he or she first planned the action knowingly so that such action will cause harm to another human being.
Mens rea a person commit a crime knowingly and willingly with a purpose to harm. It is a planned crime where one thinks about it , draw the plan in his or her mind and then proceed to actual taking action towards the plan.
It could affect the way we face certain problems. It can also affect the way we perceive different problems.
Production possibility schedule is the locust of points showing the various combination of goods and services that a firm or country can produce using the available resources and the most efficient technology.
Therefore the producer will have a comparative advantage when the opportunity cost is maximum.